Posted under News
Superstars of STEM
Kim-Anh was selected as Australia’s newest Superstars of STEM – 60 brilliant women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics who want to step into the spotlight …
Postdoc position available
[this position has now been filled] A new position is available in our lab with the following description. Title: research fellow, computational genomics and statistics Position …
A simple, scalable approach to building a cross-platform transcriptome atlas
A fruitful result from our long standing collaboration with Prof Christine Wells’ group at the Centre for Stem cell Systems . Our approach enables to build transcriptome …
Integrating independent microbial studies to build predictive models of anaerobic digestion inhibition by ammonia and phenol
Our collaboration with A/Prof Olivier Chapleur lab (INRAE, France) continues in anaerobic digestion! In this study we applied our MINT framework* to integrate independent 16S …
Model-based joint visualization of multiple compositional omics datasets
Stijn Hawinkel did a 4 month PhD placement in our lab in 2019 and developed a neat approach to integrate compositional multi-omics data sets. Stijn introduces.a …
EMRI PhD scholarship available
In collaboration with A/Prof Heroen Verbruggen, associate professor in the School of BioSciences we are opening a PhD position in computational metagenomics. More details below. The supervisory …
3MT®: Win the war inside our gut by Yiwen Eva Wang
Our own Eva has applied for the 3-minute thesis competition! It provide an opportunity to not only promote the research of a postgraduate student, but also practice …
Virtual workshop: Mathematical Frameworks for Integrative Analysis of Emerging Biological Data Types
With Aedin Culhane (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health) & Elana Fertig (John Hopkins University), we ran a virtual workshop with the …
20 min conversation on leadership and Antarctica
Previously I have related in this post some reflections about my Homewardbound leadership programme that culminated with a 18-day trip in Antarctica with 99 women in STEMM …
Article published: Variable selection in microbiome compositional data analysis
Antoni Susin, Yiwen Wang, Kim-Anh Lê Cao, M Luz Calle (2020) Variable selection in microbiome compositional data analysisNAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2020, lqaa029, …
Number of posts found: 60