WEHI special seminar series

Technological improvements have allowed for the collection of data from di erent molecular compartments resulting in multiple omics data from the same set of biospecimens. We propose to adopt a holistic approach to glean molecular insights of a biological system.

Integrating data include numerous challenges – data are complex and large, each with few samples and many molecules, and generated using di erent technological platforms. We have developed a comprehensive dimension reduction multivariate framework to address some of these challenges*. In a human newborns study, we have identi ed multi- omics signatures composed of cytokines, transcripts, proteins and metabolites to identify characterize molecular ontogeny of the rst week of life. In a recent study, we are tackling the problem of integrating omics and microbiome data from longitudinal assays.

*Our methods are implemented in the Bioconductor R package mixOmics, dedicated to omics data integration.


Dr Kim-Anh Lê Cao is an expert in multivariate statistical methods and novel developments. Since 2009, her team has been working on developing the R toolkit mixOmics that is dedicated to the integrative analysis of `omics’ data, including microbiome data, to help researchers mine and make sense of biological data.

Thursday 1 August 2019, 12 – 1pm

Seminar Room 2
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Host: Dr Sant-Rayn Pasricha