Posted under News

  1. StableMate to select stable predictors in omics data

    Variable selection in ‘omics data is essential to identify reliable markers of diseases, or shed light into molecular mechanisms. however, many variable selection methods in multivariate analysis (e.g. …

  2. mixOmics shortlisted in prestigious Eureka Prize from the Australian Museum

    [from the University of Melbourne News room] Software developed by the Faculty of Science’s Professor Kim-Anh Lê Cao (School of Mathematics and Statistics) has been shortlisted …

  3. Self-paced online course May 22 – July 7 2023

    Registrations for the third iteration of our online mixOmics course are now open! More details here. Feedback from our last iteration can be found here. If …

  4. Article: PLSDA-batch: a multivariate framework to correct for batch effects in microbiome data

    It’s been a long journey! The method developed by my former PhD student Eva Yiwen Wang is out and ready to be used! Yiwen Wang, Kim-Anh …

  5. Self-paced online mixOmics course Oct 31st – Nov 27 2022

    Registrations for the second iteration of our online mixOmics course are now open! More details here.

  6. Review article: Statistical challenges in longitudinal microbiome data analysis

    With Saritha Kodikara and Susan Ellul, we have published our latest review and benchmarked existing methods for longitudinal microbiome analysis on simulated data and a case …

  7. Sincast: a computational framework to predict cell identities in single-cell transcriptomes using bulk atlases as references

    Following up from our preliminary work on how to query cell types from transcriptomics bulk studies using bulk atlases, our talented student Yidi Deng has gone …

  8. Outreach: visit at Melbourne Girls’ College

    With some the outreach team from the School of Mathematics and Statistics, I visited the Melbourne Girls’ College, a highly selective girls state school, but very …

  9. Book: Multivariate Data Integration Using R: Methods and Applications with the mixOmics package

    We are excited to announce that our book is out, along with several case studies and R scripts available online. Check out this page. It’s been a …

  10. Community-wide hackathons to identify central themes in single-cell multi-omics

    Last year we ran an online event as part of Banff International Research Station workshops. We designed and analysed three single cell multi-omics hackathons with another …

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