
Below is a list of opportunities in our lab, including undergraduate and postgraduate research projects and scientific visits.


We are looking for self-motivated candidates in the field of computational statistics applied to high-throughput biological data, as well as data analysts and software developers. Contact us!


We welcome undergraduate, hons/Msc and PhD students willing to be part of the group to apply our methods to specific biological problems, or develop innovative computational methods at the forefront of ‘omics and microbiome data integration. There are plenty of projects to choose from our research themes and cross-discipline projects. Some are listed in here.

Visiting scientists

We welcome wet-lab researchers and assist them in acquiring the necessary skillsets to analyse their own data with our tools, and dry-lab researchers to collaborate on our many exciting projects.

  • Dr Olivier Chapleur and Ms Laetitia Cardona stayed for 10 and 3 weeks with us in 2017. Here is a brief description of the work they undertook with us, and their feedback.
  • Dr Sébastien Déjean stayed for 5 weeks with us in July 2018 and helped run a mixOmics workshop.
  • Prof Malu Calle Rosingana visited us for 4 weeks in January 2019.
  • Stijn Hawinkel, PhD candidate in Prof Olivier Thas (Ghent University) visited us for 3 months (March – May 2019).
  • Dr Olivier Chapleur and Ms Laetitia Cardona were back for 4 and 6 weeks from April 2019. They gave us a hand for our upcoming mixOmics workshop focusing on microbiome data analysis.
  • Attila Csala, PhD candidate in Prof Aeilko Zwinderman (University of Amsterdam) visited us for 4 months (Nov 2019 – March 2020)
  • Pedro Salguero García, PhD candidate in Prof Ana Conesa and Dr. Sonia Tarazona from the Polytechnical University of Valencia, Spain came for 3 months in 2022.
  • Quentin Le-Graverand, PhD candidate from INRAE Toulouse came for 3 months in 2022.
  • Prof Ivy Chung, University of Malaya, 3 months 2023.
  • Yi-Wen Hsiao, PhD candidate, visitor from University of Taiwan (1 year stay)
  • Marko Terzin, PhD candidate, James Cook University (3 months 2023)
  • Coline Fournier, École Normale Supérieure France (6 weeks, 2024)
  • Dr Kris Sankaran, University of Wisonsin (6 weeks, 2024)
  • Carla Perpiña Clerigues, PhD candidate, University of Valencia (5 months, 2024)
  • Sebastian Hesse, PhD candidate, Munich University (12 months, 2024)