• Kim-Anh Le Cao
  1. Kim-Anh selected for the Homeward Bound project 4

    Kim-Anh Lê Cao is amongst the seven University of Melbourne staff members and associates have been selected to participate in the Homeward Bound global leadership initiative …


  2. Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

    ‘Navigating through ‘omics data: a multivariate perspective‘, by Kim-Anh Lê Cao LifeCourse seminar series, Sept 20 2018 Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia


  3. 2nd Postdoctoral Methods Symposium at WEHI

    ‘Combining independent single cell RNA-seq studies using a component-based approach‘ by Al Abadi (poster), 2nd Postdoctoral Methods Symposium, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne Australia.


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