mixOmics online workshop starts 24th Feb, registrations are open
Registrations for our next online course are now open!
Registration and details: https://mixomics.org/2024/12/online-course-feb-24-april-11-2025/
This course is designed for:
- Beginners looking for an introduction to mixOmics methods for single- and multi-omics analyses.
- Current mixOmics users who want to deepen their understanding of the methods.
- Participants who would like more guidance on analyzing their own data (we also provide exemplar datasets and a non-graded assignment).
The workshop is self-paced and spans across 6 weeks. There are 4 Q&A live sessions, as well as many opportunities to interact with the cohort and myself, as the instructor via Slack. BYO data is encouraged: we provide advice so that you can analyse your own data with mixOmics tools as part of your learning process.
Pre-requisite: a good working knowledge in R is essential
Time commitment: about 6h/week to reap the benefits from the course.